Monday, February 22, 2010

Gorgeous Tin From a Very Talented Lady

Originally uploaded by Linda-NKDesigns

This is an Altoid tin covered by a very good friend and fellow PCAGOE member Linda of NKDesigns. I just absolutely loved this unique pattern so much I had to know how she did it. She has a tutorial on how it was done on In the tutorial she explains in very easy to follow steps on how to achieve this gorgeous pattern. She also has a couple other tutorials worthy of checking out. She is such a kindhearted and giving person, I feel blessed to have known her for the last couple years.

Please check out her Etsy shop for some of the most beautiful creations in polymer clay you'll ever find.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging, Angela! You're off to a great start. I love the look of your blog. That lavender is you, girl! :)

    Thank you for featuring Linda, too. Hers is a talent that deserves to be showcased. She is the best! Congratulations, Linda!

